or Day 15!
or the day we walked 1000 miles!
and then turned around and walked 1000 back again!
You've gotta love Vegas!
So we started the morning with a quick buffet breakfast downstairs. It was pretty good. Once that was done we were ready to start our day. My friend Michelle, from Minnesota, and her family were in the room next to us, and we had a connecting door, so Kingston and Camren got to hang out whenever they wanted - and we did too! The friends we met in Vegas are from my online mothers group, and we all have April babies. One of the mummies made all the babies matching outfits.
Here's Kingston and Camren.
Too cute, right?
We decided to head off down the strip, and meet up with the others a little later. The boys quickly grabbed drinks.
That's Bill, Ryan and Craig - he's rocking his new 99c sunnies!
Circus Circus is at the very top of the strip, and all the action happens at the other end, so we were in for a big walk.
Here's Maia and Elly with me and Kingston

Here's the gang having a rest and waiting for the rest of the group to join us.
Camren helped Elly drink her bottle. They were so cute. They were Kingston's buddies for the weekend.
Camren and Kingston shared some goldfish
Once we met up with the others for a bit, everyone decided to go their own way, so we grabbed some lunch, Craig and the guys took Hunter and Mackenzie back to hang out at the pool, which left the girls and babies to slowly walk back. I needed to get some shoes for our girls night out, and got lucky to find a cute pair of silver heels - on sale!
It doesn't get much better than that.
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