On the Sunday night we had our Thanksgiving dinner, it went well, I let the kids invite friends this year, and they all had a good time.
While we were waiting for the friends to arrive, we noticed Hunter had fallen asleep between the couches on the floor in the lounge, it was pretty funny, so of course, I took a picture. Craig ended up carrying him to bed and he slept about 2.5 hours. He looks like he's praying.
Kenzie and I made a little turkey decoration. It's not quite the right colours, but that's all I had lying around.

Here's Mackenzie with her friends Eva and Natalia.
Eva and her mum made some delicious cupcakes for everybody.
When everyone had arrived we played a few games while the turkey was cooking. Hunter had woken up and decided to join us by this point. Their favourite game was pass the pumpkin.
It was noisy and a little chaotic, but once that food came out, there was dead silence! It was a nice Thanksgiving, with good friends, food and wine.
Kingston found some stickers and stuck then all over himself, I think he may have had some help from Hunter. Check out that puku!
Tuesday night was our last swimming lessons. Both kids did so well, I'm glad they'll be able to swim a lot over the summer to help them practice until I can find them new lessons in Australia. They each got a ribbon for graduating from their levels.....I'm so proud.
Tonight I had my friends from my coffee group over for dinner, and I can't believe I didn't even take one picture! We had a fun night though, it's not often we get to sit around and chat and laugh and drink wine with no kids interrupting. I'll miss our fortnightly catchups.
This will probably be my last post for a little while, I'm not sure how long I'll be offline, but I will be back with loads of new pictures and stories when I can.
Be afraid.......
Be very afraid.
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