Adriana came to visit from across the hall, and Kingston shared some goldfish with her and Camren, they made a crazy mess of Camren's cot.
We decided we wanted to take the kids to the Shark Reef at the Mandalay Bay, and we were DRIVING there. I'm so glad we did, traffic wasn't too bad going down the strip and it was easy to find a park at the hotel. Naturally the kids LOVED it. They are really into aquariums and marine life, especially Hunter, and Kingston loves everything Hunter does.
Lucky me, I HATE sharks, they terrify me, and my kids love them.
Mmm hmm.
But I'm good at taking one for the team.
They had a cool shark tunnel.
The really neat thing about this aquarium was that they gave you a little hand held wand thing, and at each exhibit, there were numbers, so you entered the numbers on it and held it up to your ear and heard the information about that exhibit.
Well it was a hit with Hunter anyway.
Here's my boys watching the rays swim around, you could touch them if you wanted to.
This is a jellyfish, it was pretty cool in a tank all lit up.
After the Shark Reef we headed down to the Flamingo to meet up with the rest of the group.
We tried to get pictures of everyone together, but you know how impossible that can be.
I love this picture, it looks like Kingy and Ted are sharing a private joke!
Craig took the kids back to swim again, and I did the long marathon walk with Maia and Michelle, hoping Kingston would take a nap in the stroller - it worked!!
By the time we got back and the kids came back from the pool, it was time to go and meet up with my mum and dad. They had just flown in from LA and were staying at the Luxor.
Yes, we drove!! Finding a park was almost impossible, but we managed to park next door at the Excalibur and walk across to the Luxor without getting lost.
We were so happy to see them and hear about their trip, they'd just come off a 7 day cruise of the Mexican Riviera. We grabbed a bite to eat with them, and got roped into going on a 'free' magic carpet ride. It was a riot! We sat on a magic carpet in front of a green screen, and the guy directed us what to do.
Afterwards we got to watch the movie, and it was really funny. Of course it cost $47,000. Okay well not quite, but luckily dad bought it anyway.
The kids LOVE to watch it, usually we will watch it 2 or 3 times in a row and laugh our heads off.
It started getting late and the kids were tired, so we went back off to Circus Circus. Of course we got a little lost finding our way back out to the car. But we got there in the end!
Since Friday had been Girl's Night Out, Saturday was Girl's Night In,
Otherwise known as Boys Night Out
Or Watch Out Vegas here they come!
I got the kids off to sleep and went to join the other girls into Michelle's room, hooray for that connecting door. Meanwhile Craig, Ryan and Bryan hit the town. Bill had to drop out at the last minute, so they dedicated every drink to him.
Ryan, Craig and Bryan

"For Bill"
And here they are again, with a random guy who wanted to drink for Bill as well!

Their night went much like ours the night before, they started with the Oxygen Bar and then moved along to other casinos.
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