Today we were going to Sea World. This was Hunter's day, he had been patiently waiting the entire trip for it. He was finally going to see a Killer Whale.We've been to the Sea World in Australia several times and the kids LOVE it, but they don't have whales there.
This is a flashback picture of Hunter from before we left.
Once we'd decided were coming to the States, and that we would take him to Sea World, he had spent hours on the Sea World website, studying the map and looking through all the pictures. He wants to be a Marine Biologist when he grows up, and Killer Whales are his favourite animal. There isn't much about them that he doesn't know.
But back to today.
We were up bright and early. The other good thing about our hotel is that it came with a complimentary breakfast, so we went to the breakfast room and had a quick bite to eat before heading out to pick up my parents.
We got to Sea World a little before 9:30, we had a date with Shamu for breakfast at 10. We had maybe a 10 minute wait in line, so we used the time to slather on the sunblock, it was already getting hot.
Once we were inside we headed over to the Shamu breakfast. There's an underwater viewing area as you go in, and we watched the whales for a bit. They have a baby there and she was so funny, coming right up to the kids.
We checked in for Breakfast and were shown to our tables. They had given us 2 poolside so we could all have a good view. We were all pretty excited.
The breakfast was a buffet, there was a great selection, plus you could eat as much as you liked. We loaded up our plates and sat down to watch. The trainers came out and began talking to us about the whales, they had the whales do some tricks for us too.
We all really enjoyed it, the 3 kids pretty much didn't take their eyes off the whales the whole time. They LOVED it.

It was pretty amazing to see them up so close, and see how the trainers interact with them.
Here's Craig and Kenzie
Mum and Dad
Hunter and Kingy watching, I think they'd both have liked to jump over the fence for a closer look.
Once the show was done, the trainers stuck around for a while to answer questions for people.
Overall we thought the breakfast was a really great way to get up close to the whales and trainers, and learn more about them and the food was really good.
Next it was time to explore the park.
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