One of the things Craig misses most living in New Zealand, is college football. We get the occasional bowl game televised, but not much else, and he is a HUGE Michigan supporter. So there was never any question that we'd be going to a game while we were home, and, the only thing better than Craig going to a game, was being able to bring the kids to their very first one. The game wasn't kicking off until 3pm, so what do you do until then?? Every good Michigan game begins with tailgating at the golf course. So that's where our day began.
Kenzie, Victoria and Hunter

Craig and chris - doing their best to look like twins!

Craig and Kingston - "go blue!"

Here's me, enjoying a beer. I even wore a Michigan t-shirt too!

Vanessa and Lisa

Craig and Teri, and their giant bottle of premixed Margerita!

Chris, Lisa, Craig and John - It's not very often the 4 of them get to enjoy a game together.

This is Kenzie helping Jim cook some hotdogs.

Chris and Debbie with Addison and Jack - all in their Michigan gear.

And Kingston enjoying a hotdog in the back of Chris' H3

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