I'd managed to get out a few days before and get us all some Tigers gear to wear to the game. And of course Kenzie insisted on bringing the pom-poms she got from the party at Lisa's house. She made a very cute cheerleader!
When we arrived we took some pictures in front of the giant tiger.
As we were walking in to the stadium, a guy handed me some tickets for the kids to ride the carousel free, so that was our first stop. Kingston looks like he's having fun, but after about 20 seconds he hated it! I had to just stand the holding him for the rest of the ride, it think it was the fact that the tigers went up and down that frightened him. He was however, happy to put his hand in the Tigers mouth and say "bite, bite", what can I say he's a crazy kid!
And John William.
Everyone got drinks and we got some hotdogs for the kids. As we were heading up to grab a seat, we were told to go to guest relations and get the kids a certificate for their first Tigers game. It was really cute. The staff in there were so excited to meet people from New Zealand, so they gave us a tiger's hat and some towels. It was a great afternoon, long, but lots of fun, and to top it off, the Tigers WON!
Here's Craig and Kingy.
My boys walking through the stadium.
Here is John giving Jack his first beer, yes he's just kidding, don't call CPS just yet, no baby was harmed during the taking of this photograph!
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