Just when you thought you'd seen it all.
Not everyone went into the game, Vanessa and I took Victoria, Kenzie and Kingston home.
This is Craig and Hunter just before they went into the stadium for the game.
This is the blimp that was flying around above the stadium. Hunter took this picture.
Kingston LOVED the blimp, at one point he took off towards the stadium chasing it.

The Colours for Michigan are Maize and Blue, and this game was a Maize out, which is why everyone was wearing yellow (or maize) shirts. They then handed out blue shirts to part of the students section to make a block M. Very cool!!
Here is a picture of Hunter, inside Michigan Stadium. It was a very proud moment for Craig.
The band playing "Hail to the victors" the Michigan fight song.
Go Blue!
And the game begins!
At halftime, Wisconsin was leading Michigan 19-0. It was not turning out to be the game Craig had been waiting years to see.
Amazingly, the wolverines pulled it together, and had the biggest comeback win in the history of Michigan football.
They won 27-25
These were awesome pics and I don't watch football at all. LOL I'm having so much fun stalking you. ;)
LMAO stalk away!
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