It looks like I've been a little lazy with my blogging, I can't believe I haven't posted anything since September. I will definitely be making more of an effort.
It's March already. Our baby girl was six last Wednesday. (the 10th) It's crazy how fast the time flies. She is in year 1 at school, doing really well, and most importantly, loving it.
Here she is on her last day of being 5, the night before her birthday.
The next morning we were all up bright and early. Kenzie is usually my sleeper, I'm sure it was the excitement of it being her birthday that had her up early with the boys ready to open presents. She was born at 6:48 on a Wednesday morning, so as soon as the clock ticked over to 6:48 and she was officially six years old, with Kingston as her helpful assistant, she was ready to celebrate.
As always she was spoilt by Nana and Poppa.
Since it was a school day, she had to leave her presents behind and head off to school, she had a great day though, and the class sang Happy Birthday to her.
Meanwhile, the little chef and I had a busy day. We went to pick up the surprise birthday present and made the cake. Kenzie had picked a treasure island cake out of my book, it has mini m&m's buried in the cake. And Kingston decided it needed dinosaurs added to the top.

Time to count the candles on the cake.
oops, looks like someone got distracted from helping with the cake and decided to eat the frosting instead.
Once the kids came home, we had a little mini party for afternoon tea, here's Hunter showing off his silly face for the camera.
Kenzie got to choose anything she wanted for dinner, her menu was lamb cutlets with mashed potatos and vegetables.
After dinner we waited for craig to get home, then it was cake time.
The cake was delicious, and the kids had fun seeing if their was any buried treasure in their piece. Then it time for the surprise present.
Cover your eyes Kenzie.
A new bike.
The Sunday after her birthday, we had a little party for Kenzie at Hungry jacks. That's Burger King to the rest of the world. We ended up with 15 kids, and it all went really well. Poor Craig woke up that morning very sick, so we had to leave him home in bed.
Hungry jacks supply a party planner who keeps the kids busy and everything running along, the played pass the parcel.
And duck, duck, goose. Yes Kingy did try to join in every chase.
They played musical statues, there were some great dancers. And a game called straws.
Eventually they ate, and then it was cake time.
The party was great, the kids had lots of fun.