Its been a busy month, I can't believe it's almost over. Now that soccer is over for the year our weekends are free again. We've been able to meet up with friends for picnics at a local park, it's wonderful, it has bike tracks, and nature trails and big playgrounds - hours of fun.
Craig had his birthday and has settled into his new job. The kids are loving school and the next lot of holidays are already on the horizon. Kingston is is his usual crazy, cheeky self.
The days and nights are getting warmer, spring is just around the corner and we can't wait.
It was Craig's birthday on the 11th. It was also his first day at the new job, so after school the kids wrapped presents for him and helped ice the cake. Hunter made him a birthday crown, so Kenzie decided she would make one to wear herself.

Here's the birthday boy opening his cards and presents.

Here he is blowing out his candles, with some help from Kingston. It was a fun night. That's the last birthday in our house until March. Phew. Although Christmas is creeping up on us......
Hunter and Kenzie have been doing very well at school. Hunt got a prize for being Student of the Week in his class. And Mackenzie won the "Caught ya being Good" Award at the school assembly and brought home this skipping rope. Now comes the fun task of teaching them how to use it. ( much easier said than done)

For Craig's birthday, my parents bought him a bike, helmet and baby seat. He put the seat on this weekend, and he and the boys went for some great rides. It's a Weeride Kangaroo carrier and goes on the front of the bike. It's very cool and very easy to ride with him on there. (So I hear, I'm looking forward to getting out on it this week.)
This is the part where Kingy first got on, he's not crying because he doesn't like it, those are "no mummy, no helmet, no" tears.

Here's Hunter ready to go and have some fun.
Eventually the battle was won, and off they went for a ride. Kingston loved it.

He was still a little upset with me though, I'm such a mean mummy making him wear a helmet.